Skull from the chapel of bones Evora
This photograph was taken at the chapel of bones in Evora Portugal. Here hundreds of monks bones were used to build the inner walls of the church as a reminder to the monks that physical life will one day end.
So where does a travel blog post idea come from? Well, in my case it’s very easy.
First and foremost, I write about my journey. Which can be broken down into things like:
and, is this a good place to live?
I also write about particular places I’ve been or currently am in, from a visitor or tourist’s perspective. But, relate it to my own journey.
I also like to focus on certain aspects of a country in relation to my journey. Maybe how I relate to the society, or the food, or how what it’s like to work there.
Hence, articles like my Food from The Philippines, or Seeing the Unseen started. Or, how individual ones like dealing with religion are written.
Moreover, I might also want to cover an angle no one has yet touched on in a country before.
Last but not least, there’s the photography aspect of things. Maybe there’s a place, event or situation I’d like to photograph. Here, the camera takes the lead and the writing follows.
So, for me, these are a the things that bring about the concepts of my travel blog posts.
Which one I choose, determines my workflow.
For the purposes of this series I will touch on photography taking the lead, and articles about finding home.
Each one melds together at some point, but each one seems to have a different work flow. At least, for now.
Here I write about my journey to find home. In each place I go whether it be a country, city or area I write down my experiences and thoughts.
Both get written into two forms:
Online I will usually write about a situation, and relate it to my physical whereabouts. In other words, if I am visiting a place.
Rough and ready, a first draft can contain excerpts from my off line journal as well. It’s then expanded upon, and photographs added.
Offline, I write more about the personal events, personal feelings, rants, raves and everything else not suitable for general viewing. All this, has, culminated in many, many, journals. A batch of which have been edited into a manuscript.
This is when I am out and about. The camera rarely leaves me. I use it to document my journey, and the places I’ve been. But then, as in life, I’ll spot something special.
Maybe it’s a man on the road begging, or someone painting something. Here, the camera leads. And, I will document the event.
This is where I enjoy photography so very much. For it gives me an insight into the real country I am traveling in.
From there comes the workflow of the photograph telling the story, with the words following.
From a conceptual, and creative stand point this is the most enjoyable. It’s creativity, story telling, and documenting at it’s most raw.
But like anything in it’s most basic of states, it needs refining to be presentable. And, now the really hard work begins.
There are two main areas here that lead to a post:
1. Written idea – life, the journey, the situation, the journal etc – get put into hand form, and first draft online.
2. Photograph – an event, a photograph that tells a story, real life situation I find myself in, places I’ve been – first draft written around this
Coming up next: Part 3: my travel photography workflow – I’ve taken the photograph, but now I’ve got to manage it, process it, back it up, and publish it. All from the road, not an easy task.
How old are you going to be when you retire? This man is past retirement age, but still for 24 hours a day, he guards a small tower overlooking the Ganges. It’s his home, he lives in a small hut beside it. Loyal, dedicated, a different life.
There’s probably few other places on earth with rock formations like Goreme in Turkey. With valleys upon valleys of soft rock craved out into shapes by years of weather beating.
This particular valley is named love valley due to the phallic shapes that have formed all along its side.
One of the more striking things about traveling in Tibet is how the people look. In many countries we travel “local” people are often dresses in modern clothes. Even in far off mountains you might see a great scene, only to see a corporate brand emblazoned across a tshirt.
The one place you don’t, is Tibet. Even with a mass producing cheap clothes country like China, Tibetans in the countryside are still dressed in thick, woolen clothes. Almost as if from another age, this Tibetan boy shows the red cheeks people from this region are known for. A thick peaked hat, and a heavy coat.
The sun is shining, but the wind is cold. Clothes like this are purely for practical reasons.
When many people visit the Ganges in Varanasi, they stick to the river itself. But high up above is a long line of wonderful old buildings.
Amongst them, ancient old watch towers. Uses centuries ago to spot invaders from across the shore line.
It’s like another world. A snapshot taken from a movie set. But, Patan is a living and breathing city in Nepal. Not all of the rooftops look like this, but this is a prime example of what should be protected and preserved today.
A living and breathing historical city accessible to all.
Bran Stoker never knew about this place. But, Vlad Tepes, the man Stoker based the Dracula character on did, once, stay here. Maybe.
I’ll be the first one to admit that I was disappointed at this castle. It is more of a tower than a castle. A museum to Queen Marie is inside, and there are no Vlad references.
That said, outside you will be subjected to countless touts selling Dracula souvenirs.
Don’t worry though, coming up soon on FotoArk will be a real castle from Romania where I am sure Vlad really did stay. And yes, it’s gothic!